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Merits of point replacement

Merit 1

By replacing the point, dimensions are returned to those of a new product.
Operation time can be shortened since you can replace by yourself.


Merit 2

There are many kinds of standard product center head.
If you have a replacement type rotating center many kinds of work can be handled by changing the center head.


Standard center and head usage examples

A-10 type head usage example

With head type A, the turning tool interferes but with head type A-10 there is no interference.

Example1 A-10 type head usage example

B, C type head usage example

With head type B or C, there is no turning tool interference for thin work pieces.

Example2 B, C type head usage example

D type head usage example

With head type D processing is possible even without a center hole.

Example3 D type head usage example

E type head usage example

With head type E there is no turning tool interference for pipe.

Exmaple4 E type head usage example
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